A dog refuses to leave his injured friend until they are rescued together…

 A dog refuses to leave his injured friend until they are rescued together…

One day, Betty Walter received a call from her friend about a dog that had been hit by a car. Walter was experienced in rescuing dogs, so a friend turned to her. But she was at work and instructed her friend what to do in such cases. All that day Walter thought about the dog. After work, Walter with her fiend, who informed her about the dog, went to the place where the dog had been hitten.

The dog was still there. Though the animal was not alone – there was another dog that guarded the wounded one.

Walter decided to go out and approach the dogs. The dog that was later named Allen, ran up to them and tried to protect his wounded friend, Betty White.

“We had to reassure Allen that we were here to help. How bravely he defended Betty. Two adults did not frighten the brave defender, ”Walter told The Dodo.
They were able to approach Betty and bring her into the car. Allen followed her and jumped into the car.

Walter knew that finding adoptive parents for two adult dogs in Houston would not be easy – almost impossible. And Walter did not want to separate them.

Betty had a broken pelvis and had to be operated on. After the operation, Betty was taken to a foster family. Allen was waiting for his girlfriend to recover and return to him.

A few weeks later, Betty returned to Allen. She was still weak and needed care and attention.

Walter admired these dogs and their friendship. Allen didn’t leave his girlfriend when she was hit by a car. He protected her when she was hurt, and even now he takes care of her.

Walter is trying to find a loving family for them that will be ready to adopt them both.


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