“She’s A Child Herself!” You Won’t Believe Your Eyes When You See This Mother Of 11 Children

Neither time nor family hardships have power over her.
An American woman who has given birth to 11 children can easily pass for the older sister of her offspring. At 37, a woman looks as if her life has not had these many pregnancies and sleepless nights.
Veronica Merritt gave birth to her first child in 1999 and realized that motherhood is her true calling. The woman wanted a huge cheerful family and fulfilled her dream. A happy mother of many children constantly shares family pictures with her subscribers on social networks. They are never bored and lonely.
Most of all, users love group shots, where they leave admiring comments: “You have very beautiful children!”, “You are a wonderful mother”, “You are a superwoman!”. True, sometimes Merritt has to fend off obsessive questions about why she has so many children. Looking at an American woman, it is safe to say that she is satisfied with her life. And her appearance practically does not change over the years, which even more amazes and delights subscribers.