The family dog was impressed with the party his family prepared for his birthday!

 The family dog was impressed with the party his family prepared for his birthday!

Cheerful little dog wags his tiny tail when he is happy. A pet named Odin recently had a special day.

Odin is loved in the family that adopted him 3 years ago. The dog lives in Mexico with Joyce Cetina and her family.

“Odin is a perfect pet for us. He is a loyal and cheerful friend of our family. He loves to be played with and petted,” Joyce told The Dodo.

Odin’s birthday was approaching. The family decided to surprise him. Cetina was planning a secret anniversary party!

The dog was immensely happy and grateful that his family remembered his birthday and prepared a surprise for him.

The woman ordered a special cake for the dog with his name and waffle bones.

When the cake and decorations of the room were ready, Odin was called in and he was simply delighted. At first he did not understand what was happening, but then he realized that everything was prepared for him and he was the most important that day.

And, of course, the most important… Birthday cannot be without traditional “Happy birthday to you” song. Watch the video and smile!


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