A baby monkey whose mother abandoned him took a plush monkey for his mother and slept in an embrace with it!

 A baby monkey whose mother abandoned him took a plush monkey for his mother and slept in an embrace with it!

The mother of this chimpanzee rejected her cub. The kid missed his mother very much and slept in an embrace with a plush monkey, thinking that this was his new mom.

The monkey’s mother was a circus monkey. She was treated badly there, often beaten and insulted. She managed to escape from the circus, but she still lost her maternal instinct. Unable to care for her cub, she abandoned him.

Fibril’s carers didn’t know how to fill his mother’s absence. He missed her and was sad. Once they came up with the idea of giving Fibril a plush monkey so he wouldn’t feel lonely. The attempt was successful! He fell in love with the toy monkey and started sleeping with it.

A photo of a newborn baby monkey hugging a plush monkey has gone viral. Just look at how he hugs his “plush mom”. After some time, the orphan was taken to the Biopark in Valencia. This biopark offers the most realistic conditions for the life of wild animals.

16-month-old Fibril became the adopted cub of one female named Eva. She raised more than one generation and gladly agreed to take care of the orphan.

It’s been a year now and they are still together. The hero of our story grew up and became completely independent.


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