A cat named Bazooka ended up in a shelter and became a star! The cat weighed almost 16 kg!

 A cat named Bazooka ended up in a shelter and became a star! The cat weighed almost 16 kg!

In January 2020, the real king of red cats, a five-year-old Bazooka, came to the SPCA shelter. The peculiarity of this cat lies in his size. The cat weighs 15 kilograms 800 grams. He even entered the building like a king – he had to be brought in by two workers. Despite his weight, Bazooka is playful and even is able to jump on the bed. However he still had to be put on a diet in order to reduce weight.

Overweight and obesity can lead to many health problems. Therefore, the cat should lose some weight. But even after losing weight, he will remain “a big boy”, according to the workers of the shelter.

Meet Bazooka, a cat weighing 15 kilograms 800 grams.

The bazooka ended up at the Wake SPCA after his previous owner died. The man suffered from dementia, so he constantly filled the cat’s bowl with tasty treats. So the cat quickly gained weight. The representative of the center said that it is not necessary to scold the man.

He thought that he was doing what was best for the cat, not realizing that he could harm his health. You need to look at this from the perspective that the cat was overloved.

Almost 16-kg cat captivated everyone with his chic appearance and character.

He likes to be around people. He is much more active than he looks. Bazooka was put on a diet.

According to the center’s staff, Bazooka does not protest against the special diet, which means that he will soon begin to lose weight.

Shelter workers told The News & Observer that even after losing weight, the cat will remain “a big boy” for everyone.

The cat has found a new home. Bazooka will be cared for and monitored for proper nutrition and an active life. In general, he will live a normal cat life!

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