A marine animal became a human’s friend! A story that is definitely worth reading!

A Japanese diver and a huge fish have been friends for 25 years. Hiroyuki Arakawa once saved Yoriko. A 79-year-old diver had to look after a sacred Shinto shrine located under Tateyama Bay in Japan. He understood how important his task was, this is a sacred place for the Japanese people, and he had to treat his task with full responsibility.
Therefore, he had to dive almost every day to inspect this place and make sure it was safe.
One day, Arakawa dived under the water as usual and accidentally spotted an Asian sheepshead. There was something wrong with the huge fish, it was struggling to swim.
The man decided to help the fish. For more than two weeks, the man brought crabs for the fish. Thanks to Arakawa the sheepshead didn’t starve.
Two weeks later, the fish recovered, but the good deed of the man was not forgotten. They became friends and he even gave the fish name Yoriko.
Yoriko will never forget how the man helped her recover. The gratitude of the marine animal has become the key to a strong friendship between a person and a big fish.
Just look how the man kisses the fish. Unbelievable!
Friendship between a human and a fish seems impossible, but as it turns out, fish are able to recognize human faces.
According to Dr. Keith Newport of the University of Oxford for CNN, “Scientists have found that fish are uniquely able to identify a familiar face, and with greater accuracy: 86%.