“A Paralyzed Girl Surprised Everyone at Her Wedding”: She Was Able To Walk To The Altar!

Since childhood, every girl dreams and imagines the moment at her wedding when she will go to the altar, and all those present will look at her and admire. But unfortunately, Jackie Goncher, at the age of 25, could not do this.
The fact is that the girl is a former athlete, and at the age of 17 she received a spinal injury, because of which she was confined to a wheelchair. The doctors did not give any predictions, but Jackie did not lose hope and did everything to get back on her feet.
Just imagine how surprised the doctors were when the girl still managed to get up from her chair one day! This short moment was decisive in her life.
Preparing for her wedding, she decided that she would do everything in order to walk to the altar with her own feet. She found the strength to train and engage in order to achieve the desired result.
The guests were shoked when the bride, who was brought in a wheelchair, suddenly got up and walked.
Of course Andy, the groom, knew what was going to happen, but even he couldn’t hold back his tears.
In addition, the newlyweds even performed their first dance. It was very touching, all the guests sobbed.
Jackie is sure that now she will definitely be able to walk as before, and do not lose her hope!