A small kitten was found near the road and was adopted by a young girl!

 A small kitten was found near the road and was adopted by a young girl!

One day, Matea was returning home from work on her bike and saw a small fluffy ball on the side of the road. She stopped and walked closer. The fluffy lump turned out to be a tiny, homeless kitten. Matea took pity on a lonely kitten wandering near a busy intersection. “Passers-by didn’t stop, they just passed by indifferently. I couldn’t leave him there. I had to do something,” Matea told The Dodo.

Matea took the kitten and put him in her backpack. The kitten didn’t even resist. He probably realized that he was safe. The little bundle settled comfortably in the backpack and fell asleep.

The tabby kitten was named Gizmo. Matea and her boyfriend took the kitten to the vet. He was examined there, dewormed and treated for fleas.

Gizmo eventually got stronger and became very active. “He’s a real energizing kitten. His energy doesn’t run out even at the end of the day, he doesn’t mind jumping or climbing on my back,” Matea said.

Now Matea cannot imagine her life without this bundle of happiness! She never regretted that she had stopped by the road that fateful day.


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