After 65 years of marriage together, what happens next will amaze you

 After 65 years of marriage together, what happens next will amaze you

Tom and Delma Ledbetter met when they were young via mutual friends. It was obvious from the start that they were meant to be.

The end of this story is so powerful you will remember about it for a long time.

When Tom was 22, he invited Delma to drive a car. At the end of that wonderful evening, Delma was trying to get out of the car when Tom pulled her closer and baldly kissed her cheek.

The two were charmed by each other. 3weeks later they got married.

They had 2 amazing daughters, and then 7 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren.

The couple lived a long happy life. When Delma was 82 she became sick and was hospitalized. Soon after that, her husband was taken to the hospital too. The nurses thought it would be nice to move the beds so they can be closer to each other.

Their daughter said that although her mother was really sick she was holding on to something. She wanted to have a little bit more time with her beloved husband.

When their parents were holding hands, their daughters took a picture of that sweet memory.

Unfortunately, sometime later Delma passed away, and an hour and a half later her husband’s heart also stopped.

Their hands were held tightly together until the very last moment.

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