An aggressive albino raccoon has completely changed after being adopted by a caring woman!

Maxine Baird – founder of A New Hope, raised about 200 raccoons. And recently, she was asked to look after a rescued aggressive raccoon for a few days. Being experienced in this matter, Maxine was still a little apprehensive about the aggressive animal.
She agreed without hesitation, but in her heart she was worried about how she would handle him.
The DPR officer said that the raccoon would stay for a few days until a suitable shelter was found for him. Maxine’s anxiety vanished when she met the raccoon. He was not aggressive, but quite the opposite – a frightened animal, confused, did not know where to go.
An albino raccoon tensely approached Maxine and began to sniff her. Maxine was told that the raccoon was rescued from a place where he lived in terrible conditions. In addition, he also had a leg injury.
The woman realized that the aggressiveness of the raccoon was caused by resentment for life. He was never loved or treated kindly. And now he has changed radically and has become so gentle and sweet.
“Sometimes it seems to me that a completely different animal was described to me before. The raccoon is not aggressive at all, it’s even hard to imagine him that way,” Maxine said.
After recovering, Maxine took the raccoon to her home. Albino raccoon began to enjoy his new life!