Animal loyalty: missing 5-year-old boy with Down’s syndrome found safe and sound thanks to his dog that guarded him all the time

We often hear stories about the loyalty of dogs, their care. These animals are considered the most faithful and devoted human friends.
Recently, there has been a case when a five-year-old boy who disappeared from home was guarded by his dog, German shepherd all the time until he was found by the police. The devotion of these four-legged creatures never ceases to amaze us.
On April 2, the police received a call that a boy, all alone with his dog, was at the railroad tracks. Sergeant Selas, who arrived at the scene, realized that the boy had Down syndrome. “The dog never left the boy’s side. The railroad tracks are usually quite busy, so the dog constantly kept the boy in sight. Even when we came to the rescue, the dog still closely watched the child. And when we put the child into a car the dog jumped to the seat near the boy. I haven’t seen such faithfulness. If someone told me about this I might not believe”, the sergeant told Houston Chronicle.
Soon the police learned that the boy was missing and his mother, Jasmine Martinez was looking for him. The boy woke up before everyone left the house, and the dog, sensing that something might happen to him, followed him.
“He is a very caring, devoted and loyal dog; I was not surprised when I found out that he protected my son all the time”, Jasmine told Click 2 Houston.
The police will not file charges against the family, but the family decided to take some measures – to install child protective locks so that this does not happen again.
Here is the video on this story!