During a search for food, a street cat ended up at the zoo and made friends with a lynx

 During a search for food, a street cat ended up at the zoo and made friends with a lynx

Is it possible for domestic and wild animals to be friends?

The answer is yes! And if the animals belong to the same species they will easily find a common language.

Once a starved cat was searching for food in the streets of St. Petersburg.

It turned out to be one of the luckiest days of her life.

She found not only food remaining in the trash, but also large chunks of the beef carcass.

The stray cat got into a lynx’s cage in the zoo. Although the cat is from the same species as the lynx, she is still an uninvited guest.

Surprisingly the lynx didn’t harm the cat who was stealing her food. Maybe she knew how hard it was for the cat to search for food in the trash and be hungry all the time.

They became best friends and since then the cat often visits the lynx, who shares her food with her hungry friend.

They share almost every meal.

After eating the cat leans toward her friend and warms up as it is cold outside. As a thank you the cat licks her fur.

Zoo workers noticed lynx’s little friends and they put out more food, so the lawful owner of the food wouldn’t starve either.

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