“If I Had To I Would Do It Again!” Salma Remembers A Touching Story From Her Youth

Wet nursing is a popular thing among mothers.
A woman whose body is producing something naturally has the choice to use it in a rather powerful way.
Salma Hayek remembers a rather heartwarming experience. She used to offer her milk to a total stranger’s malnourished and hungry baby.
This is a truly selfless and powerful act from her.
During one of the tours to a hospital, she met a mother whose milk had stopped. Salma who had just become a mother at the time offered her help and despite all the cameras around her, she breastfed the baby.
Salma claims that being kind and giving is a genetic thing.
In a Mexican village, her great-grandmother helped a starving baby by breastfeeding.
What do you think about breastfeeding a child that’s not yours?