“Lost Beauty Because Of Numerous Plastic Surgeries!”: What Did The Billionaire Look Like In Her Youth?

 “Lost Beauty Because Of Numerous Plastic Surgeries!”: What Did The Billionaire Look Like In Her Youth?

Jocelyn Wildenstein is a famous socialite who is already 81 years old. For many years she has been included in the lists of those women who have greatly spoiled their appearance in pursuit of youth and beauty.

Jocelyn was born in Switzerland. At the age of 17, she met a producer who helped the girl start her film career. After moving to Paris, the couple broke up and Jocelyn began a bohemian life that was full of parties. The girl often changed boy friends and got married only after 30 years.

They say that it was because of her husband that Jocelyn decided on the first operation. The man was terribly afraid of old age and tried to keep his face in good condition as much as possible. When the usual care was not enough, he decided to remove the bags under his eyes. Jocelyn not only supported her husband, but also decided on blepharoplasty.

There is a version that Jocelyn’s husband Alec liked the “cat” eye shape. According to another version, the woman herself decided to make such a form, because she wanted to look young and beautiful, because her husband was always surrounded by young and beautiful girls.

After the first operation, other face modifications began: injections by a beautician, implants for the correction of the chin and cheekbones, skin tightening on the face, and so on.

Here’s what Jocelyn’s husband said about it: “I was always the last to know about surgeries. She thought she could remake her face the way old furniture is re-upholstered, but you can’t do that with skin. But she didn’t listen, ” Wildenstein said.

The couple divorced after a few years of marriage, Jocelyn sued her husband for a fortune. But $2.5 billion and 10 years of additional support from her ex-husband did not help the woman stay rich. In 2016, she stated that she had practically no money. According to rumors, Jos left her entire fortune plastic surgeons and cosmetologists.

By the way, the woman considers herself beautiful and does not recognize the mistakes of youth that are associated with the state of her face.

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