Phenomenal similarity: what does Angelina Jolie’s brother look like?

Angelina Jolie’s brother could not become as famous as his sister. James Haven Voight is two years older than Angelina and also tried to conquer Hollywood, but Jolie’s character and willpower turned out to be much stronger.
Angelina and James have been friends since childhood. Their father left the family early, so James became a father for Angelina. It would seem that nothing can destroy the close relationship between close people.
However, they quarreled during Jolie’s difficult divorce from Brad Pitt. James suddenly announced that father should see his children and Jolie strongly disagreed.
But back in the 90s, at secular parties, they were often met together. No one would deny that they look so much alike. They both are distinguished by bright eyes, a “cat” look, the same chins.
The brother and sister were so close that once in public they allowed themselves a kiss on the lips. The scandal was so “load” that it has certainly reached the Antarctic!