The family of this wonderful dog remembered his birthday and made a birthday party for him

 The family of this wonderful dog remembered his birthday and made a birthday party for him

A little dog named Odin lives in Mexico with the loving family of Joyce Cetina. The dog was adopted 3 years ago and since then every day has been filled with joy and love.

“He is a loyal friend, a dog and just a companion whom you can confidently entrust your secrets,” Joyce, the mother of the dog told The Dodo.

The family remembered that Odin’s birthday was coming and they decided to surprise the dog with an anniversary party.
Odin was happy and touched by the surprise of the family, he was pleased to realize that he is so loved and appreciated.

The Cetins ordered a special dog cake with waffle bones and decorated the room. They all did this in secret from Odin, he did not even suspect anything.
When everything was ready, he was brought into the room. The dog was delighted especially with the cake.

“Is that all for me?” you could guess what the happy dog was thinking. The joys of Odin are ahead.
“At first he was confused, but then when we turned on the song “Happy Wirtndai to you …” the dog understood what was happening and began to enjoy his day,” Cetine said.

Watch the video from Odin’s birthday.

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