The fat chihuahua was so heavy that he could not walk. Diet, care and love saved the dog’s life

 The fat chihuahua was so heavy that he could not walk. Diet, care and love saved the dog’s life

Meet this plump dog named Shorty. She lived all her life with her brother and sister in the house of their elderly master. The man was old and could not take good care of the animals.

When he died, the three puppies were taken to a dog shelter. However, they did not stay there for long. Soon they were moved to a charity dog market. There they met a 25-year-old Carlie Cahil.

The woman loved animals very much, but she never thought about keeping pets. But when she saw Shorty, she realized she had found her pet. A plump dog that looks like a sausage with paws won her heart.

At that time the dog weighed about 17 pounds. After the examination by a veterinarian and after a series of tests, Shorty was diagnosed with a thyroid disease.

The animal was put on a special diet. His mistress for two whole months carefully monitored the dog’s diet. The efforts did not go in vain. So Shorty lost almost half of his weight.

The friendly company of his friend also helped him to make his life more active and vibrant. Stafford Toad became our hero’s best friend. Shorty was urged to jump and run, play with toys and walk in the park.


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