A kitten with unusual coloring grew up and changed completely!

A small abandoned kitten was brought to the local animal shelter in Melbourne, Australia. The kitten had an unusual silver and black coloring.
Soon after, Ashley came to the shelter with her boyfriend and they just fell in love with a silver kitten with a black muzzle. They gave him the name Sasuke.
Kittens usually have this coloring when their moms suffer from some kind of infection during pregnancy or when moms endure severe stress. Most often this unusual color disappears in course of time. So the coat becomes the way it initially should have been.
“The kittens looked more like a wolf cub than a kitten,” says Ashley, “But he was incredibly awesome when we brought him home from the shelter, he slept sweetly under my boyfriend’s sweatshirt.”
“Sitting on my shoulder and moving around the house was his favorite hobby. We happily got along with him. The most difficult moment was the moment of separation. It was difficult to say goodbye to him when I had to go to work, but when I came back, he happily met me and rubbed against my face,” Emily added.
The older Sasuke got, the less silver remained in his coloring. After a couple of months he was almost completely black.
As a result, Sasuke turned into a luxurious black cat with a small white spot on his chest. And even as an adult, he loved to sit on Ashley’s shoulder. He also loved sleeping next to Ashley’s head on her bed.
Thus, the cat changed over time and became completely unrecognizable. But this does not prevent him from being as beautiful as before.