The Lips Become Thinner! Jolie In Paparazzi Pictures Is Totally Unrecognizable

In her youth, Angelina Jolie managed to win the love and admiration of fans, becoming a megastar.
Men and women all over the planet admired the Hollywood actress, women dreamed of having the same facial features as Angelina. That is why such terms as “Jolie Lips”, “Jolie Corners”, and “Jolie Cheekbones” appeared in cosmetology.
Coming the beautician asked to do just such an effect. But over the years, Jolie has changed, now for 47 years she looks completely different. If on the red carpet, thanks to the make-up and image, he still looks the same, then in the photo in reality everything is not so.
Recently, the paparazzi caught Jolie walking with her daughter, and what they saw raised questions. The lips disappeared somewhere, they became much thinner, and the features “slid” down. There was nothing left of the former Angie, many are sure that it all started just a divorce.