The moment a diver came face to face with an abnormally gigantic shark has been captured on camera

A diver saw a shark off the coast of Florida. John Moore, 55, took a picture of him swimming nearby.
As he scanned the area, he noticed multiple sharks.
He noticed that one of the predators’ behavior indicated that she might be pregnant.
He reached this conclusion because she swam up to him and had very dominant behavior.
After seeing her, John commented, “She was a really active shark and definitely did not miss any meals.
The diet is made up of large invertebrates, small sharks, other fish, and dolphins, as well as any emissions. At birth, they are 60 centimeters long. When they reach adulthood, females are 1.5 to 2.5 meters long, while males are 1.5m tall.
Females give birth to 3 to 13 babies after a 10- to 11-month pregnancy. Males are aggressive towards potential competitors, including people.
They are really aggressive which is caused by high levels of testosterone.