The rare scene of ten 40 ft long sperm whales sleeping vertically was captured by a talented photographer

 The rare scene of ten 40 ft long sperm whales sleeping vertically was captured by a talented photographer

Have you ever wondered how sperm whales sleep and do they at all?

For a while, humanity searched for an answer to this simple question.

Franco Banfi gave all the answers we needed thanks to his photography. He managed to capture the sea giants who were sleeping at that moment.

Check out these fantastic pictures.

Scientists first filmed them in 2008.

The incident occurred by accident when a group of Japanese and British scientists noticed a herd of motionless sperm whales in an upright position during their observations.

Later was found that they sleep for 7% of their lives. That consists of 6 to 24 minutes short intervals.

Sabrina Belloni was the scuba diver filmed with the dreaming beauties.

Compared to us, these unbelievable creatures seem to be even more enormous.

Though sperm whales may seem clumsy, they exhibit grace and harmony in their everyday environments.


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