The squirrel made a nest right in front of this man’s window. Now he knows what to do in his spare time!

 The squirrel made a nest right in front of this man’s window. Now he knows what to do in his spare time!

Squirrels are very nimble and shy animals. That is why it is very difficult to observe them in the wild. If these animals see a person or hear a sudden noise, they immediately hide in a hollow. If you really want to see a squirrel, it’s better to go to the zoo.

But this man was really lucky. A squirrel mom made a nest right in front of his window. And now he can always watch the squirrel family.
By the way, their life is very interesting and exciting!

Thanks to this man we can also get to know the squirrel family. The man filmed a short video about the life of their “neighbors”.

Of course, spying on others is not decent, but who can resist when it comes to squirrels?

Just look how cute the squirrel burrows into the fluff and falls asleep. We know squirrels as restless and mischievous animals, but this video shows us their life from another perspective.


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