The story of a girl with “silver eyes” whom no one wanted to adopt!

A girl named Primrose was born in China. Her eyes were like pure silver. The baby suffered from congenital glaucoma – a rare condition that can lead to severe and permanent vision loss. Mother of the baby wrote a refusal from her right after her birth. So the baby was brought to the shelter a few years later.
Primrose hoped that someone would one day pick her up and give her real parental love. She needed someone who would love her the way she was born. She waited, but miracle did not happen!
A married couple – Erin and Chris Austin, from the town of Braselton, in the state of Georgia, had a good family. They had their own house and two charming kids – what else one needs for happiness? But one day the woman was browsing her Facebook feed and she suddenly saw a picture of Primrose…
“When I saw the photo of the baby, I felt that something turned upside down in me. I suddenly clearly realized – this is my child … “, Erin later said.
The Austins decided that they would adopt the girl. Several months later the adoption process was over and the girl was officially adopted by the Austin family. The family had to fly through the USA, Georgia, China and go through all nine circles of bureaucratic hell to be able to adopt the girl.
A year later, the couple decided to share their feelings after the adoption of the baby: “We think that there is nothing wrong with the fact that she is blind. When people find out she’s blind, they often say, “I’m sorry.” And I answer: “Why? She is our child and we love her the way she is.” says her adoptive father Chris.
But everything did not go so simple. 8 months ago, Primrose began to experience severe pain in her eyes. She cried for 16 hours a day and refused to eat. After examinations, doctors said that Primrose has increased pressure and retinal detachment in one eye, and the other eye has halved.
Doctors made a difficult decision – to remove the girl’s eyes. It was difficult for the adoptive parents to agree to this, but it was 100% correct.
Fortunately, the operation was successful. It was a miracle: two days after the operation, she smiled for the first time in months. Primrose will have eye implants made especially for her.
The most important is that she has a loving and supportive family! We hope they will help her recover soon…