Three boys found a wounded dog on the side of the road and called rescuers! Luckily the animal was saved

 Three boys found a wounded dog on the side of the road and called rescuers! Luckily the animal was saved

Three teenage boys who decided to ride bikes around the city of Acadia did not even suspect that they would soon become local heroes.

The boys noticed something strange in the grass and decided to see what was there. They found a dog lying motionless on the side of the road. The wounded dog curled up in pain and did not even react to the boys who approached her.

The boys decided not to hesitate with help, because every minute was of great importance. They called Haseiya Animal Rescue. Rescuers promptly arrived at the incident.

Before the rescue team arrived, the boys moved the unfortunate dog to a more peaceful and comfortable place.

The dog looked at the boys with helpless eyes and hopefully believed that they would help him. Rescuers took him to the shelter, where it became clear that the dog was hit by a car. The animal had a broken leg and a broken hip. It is not known how long he spent in the grass where he barely crawled to, but the boys found him in time.

The shelter staff named the dog Wade. A week later, they received information that the dog has a family and they are looking for him.

The dog’s family expressed their gratitude for saving their beloved dog. Taz was the real name of the dog! He was happy to be reunited with his beloved family.

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