Tiger cub rejected by his own mother made friends with little dog. The story of their unique relationships!

 Tiger cub rejected by his own mother made friends with little dog. The story of their unique relationships!

Relations between animals can be as incomprehensible and strange as between people. This little tiger cub was abandoned by his mother when he was still very young. He was completely inexperienced and small for an independent life in freedom.

His mother abandoned him to his fate, but he did not give up. Soon he met a small dog, which became an indispensable friend for him. The relationship between a dog and a tiger is simply indescribable.

This tiger cub is called Hunter. His mother lived in captivity all her life. However, she was rescued and taken to the Farm Inn. The Farm Inn is a wildlife sanctuary in Pretoria.

Having undergone difficulties of life and finally having found a home she could live free, the tigress apparently lost her mother’s instinct and refused her tiger cub. And the little Hunter suffered in this situation.

People who were then familiar with the life of a little tiger cub did not have much hope for his happy life. They knew that it would be very hard for the tiger cub to live without mom. But everything changed the moment he met Chelsea, a German pointer.

Anthea Mikhaletos works in this reserve and has witnessed this unique relationship. Every day when she goes for a walk with Chelsea, they should visit Hunter first. Seeing each other, they rejoice like children, play and have fun. Their friendship certainly means a lot to both of them.

Hope that this duo will continue to enjoy each other’s company even when they grow up. Hunter found in his friend the warmth and friendship that he did not manage to get from his own mother!


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