Unusual Hollywood couple: Christopher Walken has been living with his wife for almost 60 years! They have many cats, but no children!

Hollywood stars have a high divorce rate and celebrities often change their life partners. However, this couple decided to refute this stereotype.
Christopher Walken has lived with his wife Georgiana Walken for almost 60 years. And the most interesting thing is that over the years they have had many cats, but they have no children.
They met at the theatre. Actor Christopher Walken immediately drew attention to Georgianna, who was also an actress at the time. They played a couple in love and some feelings arose between them. Working together brought them closer, they fell in love with each other. And 6 years later, they got married.
“The first time I saw him, I said to myself that this guy definitely has a future. He was one of a kind, I’ve never met anyone like him,” admitted Georgiana.
After their marriage, Georgianna left the acting scene in favor of a more stable job. She encouraged her husband to focus on his career and not worry about money. They supported and respected each other’s work throughout their lives.
Some time later, Georgianna achieved success in her work, getting the position of a casting director. Christopher has also built a successful career. He has appeared in over 100 films and won an Academy Award for Best Actor in “The Deer Hunter”.
“I like my husband’s profession. He is interesting and every time he plays a new role, he seems to become a completely different person. I get to know him better and fall in love with him again,” Georgianna Walken said.
The couple lead a simple life and share household duties equally.
Christopher likes cooking in the kitchen and learning a new movie script which making tasty dishes – he remembers lines better this way.
“We’ve been married for over half a century and our lives are pretty conservative. We don’t travel much and don’t have children. I mostly like to stay at home in the comfort and go out when I have to go to work,” said Christopher.