11 strange standards of female beauty in various countries!
Every country has its own idea of beauty. The beauty standards of other countries may seem unusual and even strange to us, but we must respect the culture of this country and be tolerant.
Today we will present you the beauty standards of different countries of the world!
Real Irish were red-haired, pale, green-eyed. But today it is not often possible to meet a representative of this nation with a similar appearance. Therefore, the Irish sacredly honor the memory of their ancestors, rejoicing in people with this appearance.
In addition to the fact that white-skinned girls with big eyes and a straight nose are beauties in this country, there is another strange standard. It is quite odd, but in the Land of Rising Sun, girls must be crooked-teeth in order to be beautiful. That is why many females go to the dentist to crook their teeth.
This country is the leader in rhinoplasty, since almost all girls make beautiful noses for themselves. Beautiful features of the face and a straight nose are the main beauty standards of this country.
South Korea
Heart-shaped faces are considered beautiful in Korea, so many girls strive to get plastic surgery. Naturalness and a gentle face are also valued in this country.
Representatives of this country believe that you need to be as close to nature as possible. The reason is that there has been a negative attitude towards hygiene products and cosmetics since the Middle Ages.
Tajiks like thick and unkempt eyebrows. It the the highest standard of beauty in this country.
Saudi Arabia
Arabian women are well aware of all the methods of how to make up the eyes to drive men crazy with just one look. And the reason is that the rest of their body and face are closed, only their eyes are visible.
The girls of this country usually avoid the sun in order not to tan, since the main standard of beauty in this country is pale skin, which almost all Chinese women strive for in every possible way.
Thick rings are worn around the neck here and it is considered super beautiful. Long neck is the main beauty standard. It is very painful and uncomfortable to wear so many rings, but beauty requires sacrifice.
New Zealand
Tattoos are very fashionable in New Zealand! Even children have tattoos in this country. No one will marry a girl without tattoo.
And this beauty standard is the strangest – females place clay disks in the lower jaw to be beautiful.