92-year-old retired vet continued to dedicate his life to disabled dogs by making wheelchairs for them

 92-year-old retired vet continued to dedicate his life to disabled dogs by making wheelchairs for them

Lincoln Parks, being a former veretinar, continues to help animals even at the age of 92. He makes wheelchairs for disabled dogs. This man lives in the town of Chesapeake Bay and has already made a lot of dogs happy.

Parks has a workshop near his home and spends most of his time there making wheelchairs.

It all started when Parks met a man whose dog was in a car accident and couldn’t move his hind legs. And then Parks came up with a wheelchair for dogs and made it for this dog. Thus began the work of a veterinarian.

The love of animals made him seriously take up this business. In the 1960s, he opened a dog wheelchair shop.

Thanks to this invention, many dogs are able to move again. It is indescribable to see the happiness on the faces of dogs. Parks compared dogs in wheelchairs to children just learning to walk.

Parks admits that this is his only passion, the meaning of his life. Over the years, the competition has increased, and now he makes only a hundred wheelchairs a year.

It usually takes a few days to complete an order. Aluminum tubes and foils must be carefully connected, and each stroller is custom made for a specific dog size or build.

The age of the doctor does not stop him, because he has new plans and intentions to help our four-legged friends.

The process of building wheelchairs is very time consuming and requires patience and attention.

Parks told a little about his passion and showed some nuances of his work.

Watch an interesting video about our hero veterinarian.



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