A lonely puppy wandered around the market hoping to find food and a safe place!

 A lonely puppy wandered around the market hoping to find food and a safe place!

Have you ever looked into the eyes of a little stray puppy? They are full of hope and love for man. Kids do not yet know evil, but most likely they will soon face human cruelty. Puppies still don’t really understand how difficult and cruel sometimes life can be. They don’t know what’s ahead of them.

A puppy named Dick was homeless. He had no mother, no brothers, no sisters and no one knew why this happened. The puppy lived in the market in the hope of gettin food there. He looked at the world with huge, hopeful eyes.

And then a girl came up to him. The kid liked the smell of this stranger – a cozy home, delicious food and loving family.

The puppy stepped uncertainly towards the girl. Her name was Olga Bu. As soon as she saw the little cute puppy, she realized that she would definitely take the baby home!

So Dick found the girl, who already has a dog Busya at home. But Olya does not regret that she took a second pet into the house, because his huge eyes, adoringly looking at the girl, say that she did everything right!

When Olga adopted Dick, the animal was about a month old, and now he is three. Now he is a happy puppy with a long, joyful life ahead of him.


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