“Secret Talent”: Pink Gives a Microphone To a 12-Year-Old Girl, Who Simply Wows The Audience With Her Voice!

 “Secret Talent”: Pink Gives a Microphone To a 12-Year-Old Girl, Who Simply Wows The Audience With Her Voice!

People rarely have the opportunity to perform with their favorite performers. In fact, the vast majority of people will never have such an opportunity. That’s why, in 2018, 12-year-old Victoria Anthony tweeted that she wanted to meet pop legend Pink and see her perform at an upcoming event in Vancouver.

Victoria is a self-taught musician who has been singing since childhood. It’s amazing that a child who is only 12 years old is so well versed in music. She can sing and play the guitar and keyboard at the same time.

Victoria’s request quickly spread, and soon she was in the news and became popular on the Internet!

Despite this, she wasn’t sure that Pink had even seen her message. She believed that the pop artist is so busy that she either ignored the message or never received it.

As a result, at a concert on May 12 at the Rogers Arena in Vancouver, Pink took Victoria and her mother by surprise. Pink quickly stopped in the middle of her show to see if Victoria was in the crowd. Victoria was able to meet her idol and even sing along with her!

Victoria was able to meet her idol and even sing along with her! Pink was also impressed by Victoria’s beautiful voice.


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