“She Is a Real Beauty”: What 16-Year-Old Daughter Of Tom Cruise And Katie Holmes Looks Like Now!
There is a saying that other people’s children grow faster than their own. The same goes for the charming daughter of Cruise and Holmes. Recently, pictures of the little girl Suri were published on the network, and now she is already sixteen years old.
This is what the heiress of the star couple looked like as a child. Even then it became clear that the girl would grow up to be a beauty.
Many do not even doubt that Suri will go into the modeling business. Even in adolescence, the young beauty is not afraid of camera lenses.
Loyal fans noticed that the girl took the beauty of both parents. It is difficult for them to decide who Suri looks like more. It is known that Cruz rarely takes part in the upbringing of his daughter.
The opinion of subscribers was not unanimous. Some considered her an ordinary girl in beautiful clothes, others agreed that the girl actually has model data.
And what would you say?