A black dog was found injured near a blueberry field and after being rescued was named “Blueberry” after the place where she was found…

 A black dog was found injured near a blueberry field and after being rescued was named “Blueberry” after the place where she was found…

On her way to work, Shena drives past sprawling blueberry fields, often sees garbage bags and coyotes controlling the area along the highway.

One day, passing by blueberry fields as usual, Shena noticed “some strange bag of garbage.”

She had already passed it when her inner voice told her to turn back. A black dog was lying on the edge of a busy road. Shen’s heart sank as she saw the unmoving creature. Luckily, the dog opened the eyes and looked fearfully at the visitor. The dog’s leg was wounded; it dangled strangely from side to side.

The dog, which did not trust people, somehow got up and frightenedly began to run away on three legs. Shena wanted to help the dog, but did not know how to calm the nervous animal. She couldn’t leave the wounded dog here.

Shena hurried to the car and took out the strap of her bag. Using the strap as a leash, she slowly walked over and tied it around the dog’s neck.

“I was extremely excited and happy to be able to help this injured dog,” said Shena Dodo. She took the dog to the RAPS Animal Hospital. Shena understood that she would no longer be able to part with the dog. She named her Blueberry after the place where they met.

hospital where veterinarians took care of the broken leg. Pretty soon it became clear that Shena would never be able to part with her new friend, and she named the dog.


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Shena made a video about saving and recovering her dog, you can watch the video here:

After recovering, Blueberry became completely unrecognizable. A nervous dog that cringes at the sight of people has turned into a funny pet.

Blueberry loves to walk with her owner and explore new parks and trails.

“I’m glad I met Blueberry. Only now I understand how trusting and loyal dogs can be,” Shena said


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