A cat that sleeps during the day and has a “party” at night! The owner installed a hidden camera in the bedroom and this is what the camera filmed

 A cat that sleeps during the day and has a “party” at night! The owner installed a hidden camera in the bedroom and this is what the camera filmed

Many cats are real nocturnal residents. These animals like to sleep off during the day and have fun “parties” at night. But there is one cat that has surpassed all his relatives in this! Aaron Brown once took the cat Tormund from the shelter. The cat was so active that the man immediately realized that he would not get bored with him. But he did not even imagine that life with Tormund would be so ….

From the first days it became clear that it would be very difficult to sleep at night. It seemed that the cat was chasing invisible mice on the owner’s bed.

Well, how could you explain the cat’s behavior? But he did not realize the scale of the disaster until he installed a hidden camera in the bedroom. Watch with sound!

Here he is – a little prankster!



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