A couple found a box with puppies abandoned in the woods and rescued the babies!

A man named heard a strange whining sound while walking through the streets of Sarajevo, Bosnia. Mark fixed his gaze on the box on the side of the road. Coming up and opening the box, Mark finally saw four abandoned puppies. The kids, huddled together, called for help.
“Mark, being an animal lover, couldn’t leave the puppies there,” Mark’s wife Lisa told Dodo.
The couple rented a house in the area after they sold their house and moved to Sarajevo hoping to change their lives. They intended to travel after staying here for some time. The couple, having received the consent of the landlord, brought the puppies home.
The puppies woke up every few hours and the couple took turns caring for them.
“A few years ago we lost our beloved dog Kelso. And now, when fate presented us with such a gift, we cannot refuse it. We can’t take the puppies with us on a trip and we don’t even know how to adopt them,” Lisa said.
During the next days they were confused, various feelings overwhelmed them. Gratitude of puppies for salvation, longing for the deceased pet and hopelessness did not leave them.
A couple of days later, Litsa was walking the puppies and came across a booklet of a local shelter that took care of homeless animals.
Lisa’s husband contacted Save The Animals Now and got to know the animal’s living conditions. Seeing the competent and qualified care that puppies receive in the shelter, Litsa relaxed a little.
“After a few weeks, we were informed that all four puppies were adopted by good families. We felt very relieved and set off on our planned journey with peace of mind,” said Lisa.