A dog born without neck found his loving owner! The story of Cooper’s hard life…

 A dog born without neck found his loving owner! The story of Cooper’s hard life…

All animals deserve love and affection. People usually choose their pets very carefully. They want their four-legged animals to be the most beautiful and the healthiest. But what about sick animals and those that were born with special needs? All animals deserve family love and tenderness.

For example, this dog was born without a neck. The American Foxhound has a short spine. It is a result of a genetic disorder called Short Spine Syndrome. During this disease, the vertebrae grow together and shrink. So a “short” spine is formed.

According to the Daily Mail, there are 30 dogs in the world with this syndrome and Cooper is one of them.


Cooper was brought to the Secondhand Hounds in Minnetonka in 2017. He lived in a family, but his owners abandoned him because he chased the cats that lived in their house.

Many people who came to the shelter ignored Cooper and the shelter staff was already thinking about euthanizing the dog when Ellie Keegan decided to take Cooper from the shelter.

Ellie took Cooper to the vet and it turned out he had a broken neck and a bone infection. The dog was operated on and it became easier for Cooper to go to the toilet on his own.

“He is a very friendly dog. I like him the way he is. Cooper is unique and not “strange”, Ellie said. She often post his photos on Facebook. And many people got to know him and fell in love with him after learning the story of his hard life.


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