A dog rescued from a puppy factory is happier than ever to get out of a tiny cage and get his dream bed!

A Chihuahua named Freddie has spent his entire life in a small metal cage. For the past 9 years, Freddy has served as a breeding dog. The dog produced hundreds of puppies every year, and when he became quite old for breeding, the owner simply decided to get rid of him.
About 34 puppies including Freddy were rescued by Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR). The dogs were found in a puppy factory in the Midwest. People shamelessly exploited poor dogs, keeping them in small cages for many years.
Teresa Strader, the founder of the NMDR rescue service, told The Dodo: “The dogs were tortured both physically and mentally. Now many of them are in need of serious rehabilitation. They never had families and they don’t know the warmth of family life.”
Teresa, being an animal lover, wanted to help animals move on from the hardships of their former lives. She brought a special bed for Freddie, an elderly dog. The dog was mentally traumatized and ran from corner to corner with his tail between his legs.
Teresa, having installed a soft dog bed, made a special gift for the dog. Freddie highly appreciated the importance and usefulness of the gift. The poor dog has lived all his life in a tiny cage and now he has the opportunity to lie on the bed! Can you imagine the joyfulness of the animal…
Thanks to kind people, many dogs gain the opportunity for a calmer and happier life, at least in their advanced years.