A dog with a message in a bottle attached to her collar was found in a street! Luckily, the animal got a chance for a new life

 A dog with a message in a bottle attached to her collar was found in a street! Luckily, the animal got a chance for a new life

A German Shepherd mix named Roadie got lost and couldn’t find his way home. The dog wandered alone through the streets of Franklin, Indiana. Not knowing where to go, she sat down near the tree and waited for help. A kind person passing by noticed the dog and looking closely saw a bottle attached to her collar. There was a note in the bottle.

This person immediately contacted the director of the Johnson County Animal Control Office. Michael Delp considered it necessary to take the animal to a shelter. A note found on the dog said that Roadie was once the family’s favorite pet, but after her owner suffered financial hardship because of COVID and lost his job and home, he let the animal go. Roudie was a healthy and cheerful little dog who still needed a loving family.

“When I read these lines, various emotions overwhelmed my soul: pity – that because of unfavorable circumstances, the owner and the pet were forced to separate, anger – because the pet is not a thing that can be thrown away and hope – that Rowdy still will be happy in a loving family”, said Delp.

Jeremy Pell was reading the local news when he stumbled across an article about Rhodey and the story touched him to the core. The man spent several months looking for a suitable dog for training in search and rescue. And after I found out that Rhodey lives in my backyard, I was completely convinced that she was the perfect candidate for the White River Fire Chief’s dog.

Now the dog is undergoing special training of the necessary skills. Rudy goes to the office every day with his new owner. The dog’s life is back on track. She has an interesting job and a loving owner. Rudy is just learning, but Pell has big plans for her. She is smart and obedient – and these are the most important qualities for dogs in this sphere.

Since the dog began a new life, she was given a new name – Rosie Grace.


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