A faithful dog guarded the boy who left the house and got lost!

 A faithful dog guarded the boy who left the house and got lost!

It is no secret that dogs are very attentive and caring to their owners, especially when it comes to children. A story about a dog whose devotion saved a 5-year-old child’s life has appeared on the Net.

A child with Down syndrome has gone missing from home. The parents of the child desperately rushed to look for their son throughout the city. Fortunately, the boy was not alone – his faithful four-legged friend was with him.

A couple of months ago, officers from the Houston Police Department were informed of a little boy with a dog wandering around train cars. The dog did not lag behind the boy, according to eyewitnesses. He followed the boy everywhere. The police later found them and called the child’s family.

“Witnesses said that the dog was always next to the boy, and at the moment when the boy fell, the dog, as if trying to help him, poked in his stomack with nose. Eyewitnesses immediately guessed that this was the boy’s dog and that it would not harm him,” said Ricardo Salas, a police sergeant.

“Even when we put the boy in the car, the dog did not run away, he followed us and wanted to get into the car and sit next to the child. He was his guardian angel!

Sounds like a fairy tale doesn’t it? But this is a true story…

“We think that the child saw the boy come out of the house and, realizing that the child shouldn’t go out alone, followed him – What if he gets into trouble?” Sgt. Houston Chronicle said.

After the good news, the boy’s mother called the sergeant and began to thank him for his prompt work. The sergeant was touched by the gratitude of the woman, but admitted that the main job – the safety of the boy was provided by their dog!

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