A fox cub and a dog became inseparable friends! Just have a look at their photos…

 A fox cub and a dog became inseparable friends! Just have a look at their photos…

Who would have thought that a dog could befriend a fox? It is commonly believed that these animals do not get along very well, but this story proves otherwise.

The heroes of today’s story are an Australian Shepherd mix – Moose and a fox cub named Juniper. Surprisingly, the two became inseparable friends. The fox was rescued from the farm by her former owner Jessica Cocker, when she was only 5 weeks old.

Fortunately, she ended up in a kind and caring family. When Moose came to their family, it became clear that there was some kind of connection between them. They immediately became friends and became inseparable.

There were other animals in the Cocker family, but these two were destined to be together. They ate, slept and played together. Juniper found solace in her friend.

Despite the different animal characters, they got along well with each other. The little fox was purposeful and stubborn, and the dog was compliant and kind.

Below you can watch a video of this unusual friendship!

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