A gigantic Harpy Eagle is on the verge of extinction

Birds, being beautiful and unusual creatures, can sometimes even be dangerous. Eagles are dangerous birds. Many people have not even heard of the existence of this type of eagles. They mainly live in Central and South America. They have another name “royal hawks”.
The harpy eagle is one of the largest flying birds. They can grow over 6.5 feet and weigh between 9 and 20 pounds. These eagles are dangerous predators that can live up to 35 years.
These eagles are carnivores, they feed on sloths, monkeys, parrots, snakes and other animal species. Moreover, their prey can even exceed their own weight.
These eagles have a rather intimidating appearance. They are tall and look like they are not birds but people dressed as eagles. They have a fierce piercing gaze that makes people shiver. But it turns out that harpy eagles are not the largest eagles in the world, there are six more species of huge eagles: the Philippine eagle, golden eagle, Australian wedge-tailed eagle, white-tailed eagle, Steller’s sea eagle and Haast’s eagle.
These eagles have a rather intimidating appearance. They are tall and look like they are not birds but people dressed as eagles. They have a fierce piercing gaze that makes people shiver. But it turns out that harpy eagles are not the largest eagles in the world, there are six more species of huge eagles: the Philippine eagle, golden eagle, Australian wedge-tailed eagle, white-tailed eagle, Steller’s sea eagle and Haast’s eagle.