A horse that lost her baby adopted a newborn orphan foal! A very heart-breaking scene

 A horse that lost her baby adopted a newborn orphan foal! A very heart-breaking scene

A horse that lost her cub adopted a newborn orphan foal. Animal was depressed after losing her cub and found new meaning in life when she met a helpless little foal on a Dutch farm. This touching story was witnessed by a veterinarian from the Netherlands.

Dr. Patrick Brogan was touched by what he saw and even took a photo of the heroes of the story. A photo of a horse touchingly cuddling up to a foal quickly spread across the internet and went viral.

A horse named Zindita was pregnant and planned to give birth to a foal one of these days. The doctor observed her pregnancy and everything seemed to be proceeding normally.

However, when the moment of childbirth came, something went wrong. And the baby didn’t survive. Zindita was in mourning. She stopped eating and did not even want to get up from her seat.

Zindita fought for the life of her baby, but the birth was difficult and the cub died. She was depressed. Then Dr. Brogan suggested that the shelter workers connect her with a small foal that had recently lost his mother. The maternal instinct worked and both heroes of the story were happy.

“We just placed them together, and motherly love and the need for motherly warmth did the rest. They fell in love with each other and became inseparable. Zindita began to take care of the foal and became a real mother for him,” the vet said.

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