A lion cub that fell off the cliff was rescued by a lioness from their pride!

The lion family is a traditional example of a family. They are actually organized animals. Females take care of cubs, males protect from opponents and fight for territories, so they rarely live more than ten years.
The male who won the pride conflict becomes the leader and kills the offspring of his predecessor. However, there are cases when you can admire the responsiveness and care of the lion family.
One day a lion cub fell into a deep ditch. His claws slipped every time he tried to climb the sheer clay wall.
Adult lionesses and lions gathered at the cliff and tried to help the baby. He looked at them hopelessly and could not get out of the ditch.
One of the females carefully and deftly went down the cliff and called the cub to her.
Maternal instinct did not allow the lioness to indifferently watch the baby. She grabbed the cub with her teeth and began to rise up.
Now the baby has been saved. The mother of the cub ran up to him and began to lick him.
Animals are so self-serving, kind and sincere. People have something to learn from them!