A small aggressive kitten hissing at everyone has turned into an active sociable member of the family!

 A small aggressive kitten hissing at everyone has turned into an active sociable member of the family!

A very unfriendly 5-week-old kitten was brought to Jelly’s Place in San Pablo, California. The small, angry lump hissed aggressively at anyone who tried to get close to her. The shelter staff, unable to find a common language with the kitten, called Kendal Behnken. Benken was a woman who worked with “problem” animals. She with her team could tame even the wildest and most unfortunate animal.

Benken arrived at the shelter and saw the kitten. At first glance, she understood that the Siamese was very frightened. And the kitten’s aggression was the result of a fear.

“She didn’t let anyone trade her. The little demon hissed and used its claws as a defensive weapon,” Benken said to Dodo. But Benken, used to such scenes, already knew what to do. She covered the kitten with a towel and took her home.

Benken brought the kitten home and set up a food and water corner for her in the kitchen. She purposely placed the kitten in a busy part of the house in an attempt to get her to socialize with her other pets. Benken named the kitten Betty. Other pets of the family reacted friendly to the new resident of their home.

The dogs crowded around the kitten and tried to please her. Truvi, a large Labrador mix showed great interest in kittens.

“Truvi was by nature a polite and friendly dog. He imagined himself a caring mother for those who were smaller and weaker than him. The caring dog fell in love with the capricious kitten and began to care for him,” Benken said.

After 2 weeks, Betty got used to the Benken family a little, thinking that this family is not so bad.

Believe it or not, but she herself began asking for hands and demanded affection. These are the miracles that family warmth and care do. And when Betty announced Truvi as her friend, Behnken realized that her mission was completed!

“I was happy that Betty turned into a sweet family member, but at the same time I was sad, realizing that the mission was completed and I would soon be forced to part with her,” Benken said.

Benken was concerned about who to adopt Betty. She fell in love with her and her fate was not indifferent to her. And when she learned that a woman named Rose Vestil wanted to adopt Betty, she was very happy.

“Betty is a very sensitive animal. She won’t be happy in a family that does not sincerely like her. She feels everything, she guesses even what we think, ”said Behnken.

Roz Vestil finally decided to take Betty when Behnken showed her a photo of Betty sitting on Truvi.

“I laughed so much at this photo. Without even seeing her I already loved her,” Vestil told The Dodo.

Now Betty has become completely unrecognizable.Vestil and Betty became friends and understand each other perfectly. And Benken is only happy that Batty is in safe hands!


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