A small puppy has become a real support and a guide for an 11-year-old blind dog!

 A small puppy has become a real support and a guide for an 11-year-old blind dog!

Not only people can be friends, but also animals. And this story is a vivid confirmation of this. Today we will share with you a story full of goodness. Retriever named Charlie is 11 years old. Because of the developed disease, he had to have his eyeballs removed.

The poor dog was very sad. He lay on his couch all day long, did not go out and practically refused to eat. The owners were very worried about their pet and decided to get him a friend, another retriever named Maverick.

Charlie at first did not really want to make contact with a new comrade, but nevertheless they became friends. Once Maverick realized that his friend was a little special. He often lost toys and could not find them, and then his friend began to help him find them and brought them right under his nose.

Maverick became a guide for Charlie. He became active and cheerful again. Now they could walk together in the yard and play briskly.

The owners of the dogs have recently posted this picture on their Instagram page, and the dogs have gained a lot of fans online, now they are followed by more than 50,000 subscribers.

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