A story of a model with albinism who was put on the threshold of an orphanage as a baby!

We would like to believe that someday all orphanages in the world will be closed, because every child will have a loving family. But while we live in a cruel reality, only such life stories as 16-year-old Xueli can cheer up. A Chinese woman with albinism was born in the wrong place at the wrong time. But life gave her a chance to use her peculiarity to the fullest.
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The girl became a model and even flaunted on the pages of Italian Vogue. She puts her popularity to good use. Xueli tells people more about her genetic disorder. The girl destroys myths and stereotypes about albinism.
The snow-white beauty was born in China during the time of the one-child policy. Because of such legislation, families refused even newborn girls, giving priority to boys. And albinism was considered a curse.
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Apparently, it was because of such unfavorable conditions that the girl’s parents decided to put new-born Xueli on the threshold of the orphanage. Mom and dad did not leave any information, so the girl does not even know the exact date of her birth.
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The orphanage worker gave the baby a name that turned the curse of albinism into a blessing. Xue means snow and Li means beautiful. When the girl was three, she was adopted by a family from the Netherlands.
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One day, an acquaintance of Xueli’s mother, who worked as a designer, decided to make a collection on the theme of “perfect flaws.” She herself had a son with a split lip, and the woman wanted to show how beautiful children with various deviations in appearance can be. She invited her friend’s blond daughter to take part in the show too. Then the girl was only 11 years old.
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After that, photographer Brock Elbank noticed her and invited her to a photo shoot. It was one of his photographs that got into Vogue magazine and glorified Xueli. A modeling agency contacted the girl and her parents, and her career began to gain momentum.
Albinism, like many other genetic disorders, no longer seems strange thanks to the Internet. But few people know about the problems that people with albinism face. Most often, they have poor eyesight, they cannot look at bright light at all, and the skin cannot be sunbathed, because the lack of pigment makes it super vulnerable.
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In addition to physical problems, there are also moral ones. For example, in many African countries, albinos are hunted to use their limbs and bones in supposedly magical rituals. Xueli wants to tell the world about the life and problems of people with albinism.
The girl also struggles with a certain exploitation of the angelic image of albinos in the fashion industry.
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At 16, a Chinese woman with albinism proved that nothing is impossible. She was definitely lucky to find a new family, despite the fact that her biological parents abandoned the girl.
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But Xueli decided not to take it for granted, but tries to help everyone who may be in the same situation as she herself once was. Such a young, and already such a brave girl is definitely worthy of respect.
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