A wild crow’s interesting behavior when her human friend’s son got ill… Birds are very sensitive

 A wild crow’s interesting behavior when her human friend’s son got ill… Birds are very sensitive

The story that we want to tell you today happened about five years ago in Scotland. Ann Edwards had a new neighbour- a crow, Mildred. Soon the neighbors got to know each other better.

One day, Edwards was at home and heard a noise outside. She went out to find Mildred and her chick sitting on a fence, escaping from a cat that was preparing to jump.

Edwards did not hesitate and intervened. She rescued a baby and returned the bird to the nest on a tree across the road. The crow has not forgotten the good act done by the woman.

“Mildred started bringing all her chickens into my garden. It has become an annual tradition. Once when her little crow fell out of the nest I put it back in the nest and since then Mildred has not left us,” said Edwards.

Recently, the crow had a chance to repay Edwards. The woman’s son fell ill and an ambulance came to take him to the hospital. Mildred that was watching what was happening, understood that her “friend” was very sad and worried. And the wild crow decided to console Edwards.

“The night my son was taken to the hospital, Mildred sat all night in a tree near my house. I had never seen her sitting on the branches of this dry tree before. Mildred wanted to comfort me and when I left the house she began to croak, apparently saying that I was not alone,” said Edwards.

“She seemed to be telling me that we are both mothers and that she understands me. Mildred stayed on the dry tree until my son was released from the hospital,” she said.

As you see even birds can be loyal and grateful. Good acts are never forgotten. One day the good you have done comes back to you.

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