After four months, the man returned for his pit bull after he was forced to leave him at the shelter

 After four months, the man returned for his pit bull after he was forced to leave him at the shelter

Lewis Jimenez from Austin was having financial troubles when his landlord forbade him from keeping a dog in the apartment.

The situation was hard for him because his pit bull Titus was a real friend to him. The owner threatened him that if he kept the dog, he would be instantly kicked out.

His tries to find his pet a temporary home failed because all his friends and family had their own reasons not to keep the dog.

Out of desperation, he took his dog to a shelter. The workers didn’t believe in his promises that he would come back for the pit bull when he solved his money problems. They hear that kind of stuff every day, but in fact, no one returns.

The man adopted Titus as a puppy and their bond was exceptional.

All following months he was solving his problems and regularly visiting Titus.

Lewis kept his promise and returned after 4 months.

After all that separation, they finally reunited. Both Lewis and Titus, as well as the staff were very emotional at that moment.

Titus was a great help to him in hard times, so he did everything possible to be able to support his beloved animal.

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