Baby zebra and orphaned rhino calf became friends after being treated together in a shelter intensive care unit

 Baby zebra and orphaned rhino calf became friends after being treated together in a shelter intensive care unit

A baby rhinoceros and a young zebra make friends at the Wild Rhino Care Sanctuary. Both animals were rescued by rangers.

Baby Daisy was found alone in the Kruger National Park in South Africa. She was only a few hours old and was very weak and could not even stand on her feet. Daisy was taken by rescue helicopter to the intensive care unit of the orphanage. She needed constant care and treatment to maintain her immune system. Then in the shelter Daisy met a young rhinoceros – Mojaji.

“Rhino was hospitalized at the end of November. He was only about a week old when he was found half-dead after a storm and heavy rains in the reserve,” Lowen Bowker, media contact told Dodo.

The animals gradually became each other’s family.

“Rhinoceroses are actually sociable and curious animals. Mojaji turned out to be fantastic company for shy Daisy. They became very attached to each other.

After a month of living together, the orphans became sisters to each other.

During the day they do not part for a minute, and at night they sleep hugging. Being far from their real home – wild spaces, it is very important for them to have each other and not feel lonely.

“When they recover and grow a little, they will be released to the wild,” Bowker said.

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