“The Years Don’t Apply To Her!” What Does Young Mother Of Jennifer Lopez Look Like?

 “The Years Don’t Apply To Her!” What Does Young Mother Of Jennifer Lopez Look Like?

Years passed before Jennifer Lopez got along with her birth mother. At the age of 18, the ambitious daughter ran away from home after a quarrel with her parent, and then they hardly spoke, interrupted by rare meetings.

Today, in the family of a Hollywood diva, everything is as good as possible. Her mother, Guadeloupe Rodriguez, often visits her daughter’s house and brings up her grandchildren.

In the past, the Lopez family was very poor. Three daughters grew up, they needed to be given shelter, food, and education. Rodriguez worked at school, there was not enough money. And Jennifer’s decision to drop out of school and dance only shocked the woman.

Public acquaintance with the mother of the artist took place in 2015. The singer invited her to perform on the same stage, writes Mirror. A woman appeared before the fans, who still looks great.


Rodriguez is 76 years old, but good genetics and cosmetology make her look much younger. There is no doubt that Lopez’s beauty went to her mother: dark skin, sharp brown eyes, and perfect skin – Guadeloupe with such an appearance could easily shine on the screens.

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