An Australian farmer found a strange small creature under the duck that was incubating the eggs!

 An Australian farmer found a strange small creature under the duck that was incubating the eggs!

An Australian resident who kept ducks on his farm went as usual to his farm to check whether everything is normal with the duck that incubated newly laid eggs. Suddenly he saw something he did not expect at all.

“He was incredibly surprised when he found something small, hairy and alive under the duck”, the representatives of the animal rescue society “Fauna Rescue of South Australia” (FRSA) wrote on their Facebook page.

As it turned out, the duck replaced the mother of a tiny baby brush-tailed possum. It is not clear how the baby got into the duck’s nest, but under the duck’s wing the tiny creature was warm and comfortable all night.

Maybe the duck dragged the baby possum to her nest, thinking that it was her duckling or the baby crawled into the nest to keep warm.

The baby was given the nickname Daisy and was transferred to the animal rescue society. There the creature will be kept and fed until he or she grows up and becomes independent, and after that will be released back into the wild (far away from the farm).

Shelter workers praise the duck very much, without her care this baby could die from hypothermia.

Now Daisy lives in a shelter and has found a new friend – a male brush-tailed possum cub.

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